
123 Street, New York, USA


city List


Ident CZ-0147
Type small_airport
Name Bánov Airstrip
latitude_deg 48.983399
longitude_deg 17.704586
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ZL
municipality Bánov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0151
Type closed
Name Baška
latitude_deg 49.643056
longitude_deg 18.351667
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-MO
municipality Baška
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKBC
Type closed
Name Bechyně Air Base
latitude_deg 49.2736
longitude_deg 14.5018
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality Bechyně
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKBE
Type small_airport
Name Benešov Airport
latitude_deg 49.74079895019531
longitude_deg 14.644700050354004
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Benešov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0051
Type small_airport
Name Bezdružice Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.899713
longitude_deg 12.964956
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PL
municipality Bezdružice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0108
Type small_airport
Name Bezno Airstrip
latitude_deg 50.356925
longitude_deg 14.8068316
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Bezno
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKZC
Type closed
Name Žatec-Staňkovice Airfield
latitude_deg 50.371
longitude_deg 13.59
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Bitozeves
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0004
Type heliport
Name Blansko Hospital Heliport
latitude_deg 49.362389
longitude_deg 16.654029
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Blansko
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKBL
Type closed
Name Blátna Air Base
latitude_deg 49.431173
longitude_deg 13.797095
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality Blátna
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0175
Type small_airport
Name Bobrová Ultralightport
latitude_deg 49.4955
longitude_deg 16.10199
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Bobrová
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKBO
Type small_airport
Name Bohuňovice Airport
latitude_deg 49.67060089111328
longitude_deg 17.295000076293945
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-OL
municipality Bohuňovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0048
Type small_airport
Name Borek Airfield
latitude_deg 50.210856
longitude_deg 14.657693
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Borek
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0165
Type small_airport
Name Kravi Hora Airfield
latitude_deg 48.917038
longitude_deg 16.841317
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Bořetice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0073
Type small_airport
Name Bořitov Ultralightport
latitude_deg 49.435539
longitude_deg 16.593046
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Bořitov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0082
Type small_airport
Name Borovník Airport
latitude_deg 49.358611
longitude_deg 16.242222
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Borovník
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0005
Type heliport
Name Boskovice Hospital Heliport
latitude_deg 49.48963
longitude_deg 16.646267
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Boskovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKBA
Type small_airport
Name Břeclav Airport
latitude_deg 48.790439
longitude_deg 16.892531
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Břeclav
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0241
Type small_airport
Name Březí Falcon Airfield
latitude_deg 49.338891
longitude_deg 16.23137
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Březí
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKTB
Type medium_airport
Name Brno-Tuřany Airport
latitude_deg 49.15129852294922
longitude_deg 16.694400787353516
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Brno
scheduled_service yes
Airport Details...


Ident LKBR
Type small_airport
Name Broumov Airfield
latitude_deg 50.561901
longitude_deg 16.3428
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Broumov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0149
Type small_airport
Name Komárovice u Jihlavy Ultralightport
latitude_deg 49.340112
longitude_deg 15.669723
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Brtnice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0198
Type small_airport
Name Brťov Airfield
latitude_deg 49.410857
longitude_deg 16.499441
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Brťov-Jeneč
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0016
Type heliport
Name Bruntál Regional Fire and Rescue Force Heliport
latitude_deg 49.988549
longitude_deg 17.453671
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-MO
municipality Bruntál
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKBU
Type small_airport
Name Bubovice Airfield
latitude_deg 49.9744
longitude_deg 14.1781
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Bubovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0199
Type small_airport
Name Budíškovice Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.075525
longitude_deg 15.546556
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Budíškovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0053
Type small_airport
Name Bynovec Airfield
latitude_deg 50.821899
longitude_deg 14.27174
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Bynovec
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Bystřice nad Pernštejnem

Ident CZ-0099
Type small_airport
Name Bystřice nad Pernštejnem Airport
latitude_deg 49.522778
longitude_deg 16.232222
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Bystřice nad Pernštejnem
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKCL
Type closed
Name Černovice Air Base
latitude_deg 49.1775016784
longitude_deg 16.6608
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Černovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Červená Voda

Ident CZ-0214
Type heliport
Name Červená Voda Health Center Heliport
latitude_deg 50.04475
longitude_deg 16.7367
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PA
municipality Červená Voda
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Česká Lípa

Ident LKCE
Type small_airport
Name Česká Lípa Airport
latitude_deg 50.7094
longitude_deg 14.5667
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-LI
municipality Česká Lípa
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Česká Třebová

Ident CZ-0055
Type small_airport
Name Česká Třebová Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.91
longitude_deg 16.455278
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PA
municipality Česká Třebová
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

České Budějovice

Ident LKCS
Type small_airport
Name České Budějovice Airport
latitude_deg 48.9464
longitude_deg 14.4275
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality České Budějovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Český Dub

Ident CZ-0056
Type small_airport
Name Český Dub Airfield
latitude_deg 50.678056
longitude_deg 14.999722
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-LI
municipality Český Dub
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Český Krumlov

Ident CZ-0046
Type heliport
Name Český Krumlov Hospital Heliport
latitude_deg 48.8163
longitude_deg 14.3252
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality Český Krumlov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0059
Type small_airport
Name Chabeřice Private Ultralightport
latitude_deg 49.747569
longitude_deg 15.06424
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Chabeřice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKCB
Type small_airport
Name Cheb Airport
latitude_deg 50.06610107421875
longitude_deg 12.411700248718262
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KA
municipality Cheb
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0192
Type small_airport
Name Choceň Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.97728
longitude_deg 16.184921
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PA
municipality Choceň
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Chodová Planá

Ident LKCO
Type heliport
Name Chodová Planá Heliport
latitude_deg 49.901199
longitude_deg 12.741704
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PL
municipality Chodová Planá
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0038
Type heliport
Name Chomutov Hospital Heliport
latitude_deg 50.453617
longitude_deg 13.411807
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Chomutov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKCT
Type small_airport
Name Chotěboř Airport
latitude_deg 49.68579864501953
longitude_deg 15.67609977722168
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Chotěboř
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0100
Type small_airport
Name Choteč Airfield
latitude_deg 50.433889
longitude_deg 15.530556
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Choteč
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0122
Type closed
Name Chotěnov Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.824177
longitude_deg 16.194713
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PA
municipality Chotěnov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0062
Type small_airport
Name Chotěšov Airport
latitude_deg 49.651667
longitude_deg 13.189722
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PL
municipality Chotěšov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKCV
Type medium_airport
Name Čáslav Air Base
latitude_deg 49.939701
longitude_deg 15.3818
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Chotusice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0209
Type small_airport
Name Chrášťany Airfield
latitude_deg 50.05872
longitude_deg 14.92307
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Chrášťany
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0077
Type small_airport
Name Chřibská Airport
latitude_deg 50.858193
longitude_deg 14.46569
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Chřibská
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKCR
Type small_airport
Name Chrudim Airport
latitude_deg 49.9364013671875
longitude_deg 15.780599594116211
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PA
municipality Chrudim
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0163
Type small_airport
Name Excalibur City Airport
latitude_deg 48.761552
longitude_deg 16.055408
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Chvalovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0166
Type small_airport
Name Chvojenec Airstrip
latitude_deg 50.108633
longitude_deg 15.926742
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PA
municipality Chvojenec
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0084
Type small_airport
Name Dačice Airfield
latitude_deg 49.06986
longitude_deg 15.456004
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality Dačice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0208
Type heliport
Name Děčín Hospital Heliport
latitude_deg 50.78104
longitude_deg 14.22768
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Děčín
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0068
Type heliport
Name Dobšice Heliport
latitude_deg 50.119489
longitude_deg 15.280608
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Dobšice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0173
Type small_airport
Name Česká Skalice Ultralightport
latitude_deg 50.399669
longitude_deg 15.991023
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Dolany
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Dolní Benešov

Ident LKZA
Type small_airport
Name Zábřeh Dolní Benešov Airfield
latitude_deg 49.928258
longitude_deg 18.075557
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-MO
municipality Dolní Benešov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Dolní Rožínka

Ident CZ-0049
Type closed
Name Zvole West Airport
latitude_deg 49.474643
longitude_deg 16.214801
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Dolní Rožínka
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Dolní Tošanovice

Ident CZ-0114
Type closed
Name Dolní Tošanovice Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.682351
longitude_deg 18.479829
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-MO
municipality Dolní Tošanovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0025
Type heliport
Name Hospital Heliport
latitude_deg 49.438331604003906
longitude_deg 12.906944274902344
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PL
municipality Domažlice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0095
Type small_airport
Name Doudleby Airstrip
latitude_deg 48.885037
longitude_deg 14.486375
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality Doudleby
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKPM
Type small_airport
Name Příbram Airport
latitude_deg 49.7201
longitude_deg 14.1006
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Drásov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0228
Type small_airport
Name Březno u Chomutova Ultralightport
latitude_deg 50.40943
longitude_deg 13.44546
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Droužkovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0150
Type closed
Name Milotice Airstrip
latitude_deg 48.936188
longitude_deg 17.124166
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Dubňany
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0215
Type heliport
Name Duchcov Municipal Hospital Heliport
latitude_deg 50.60959
longitude_deg 13.741837
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Duchcov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0109
Type small_airport
Name Dušníky ULM
latitude_deg 50.412778
longitude_deg 14.198056
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Dušníky
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Dvůr Králové nad Labem

Ident LKDK
Type small_airport
Name Dvůr Králové nad Labem Airport
latitude_deg 50.4142
longitude_deg 15.8369
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Dvůr Králové nad Labem
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Dynín u Třeboně

Ident CZ-0116
Type small_airport
Name Dynín Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.128341
longitude_deg 14.633441
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality Dynín u Třeboně
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKER
Type small_airport
Name Erpužice Airport
latitude_deg 49.802799
longitude_deg 13.0381
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PL
municipality Erpužice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKFR
Type small_airport
Name Frýdlant Airfield
latitude_deg 49.589401
longitude_deg 18.3792
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-MO
municipality Frýdlant
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Frýdlant v Čechách

Ident CZ-0220
Type heliport
Name Frýdlant Hospital Heliport
latitude_deg 50.926004
longitude_deg 15.088781
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-LI
municipality Frýdlant v Čechách
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0067
Type small_airport
Name Frymburk Ultralightport
latitude_deg 48.698611
longitude_deg 14.1975
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality Frymburk
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0154
Type small_airport
Name Letiště Hať u Hlučína
latitude_deg 49.951812
longitude_deg 18.2651648
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-MO
municipality Hať
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Havlíčkův Brod

Ident LKHB
Type small_airport
Name Havlíčkův Brod Airport
latitude_deg 49.597198486328
longitude_deg 15.549200057983
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Havlíčkův Brod
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Hodkovice nad Mohelkou

Ident LKHD
Type small_airport
Name Hodkovice nad Mohelkou Airport
latitude_deg 50.6572
longitude_deg 15.0778
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-LI
municipality Hodkovice nad Mohelkou
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKHO
Type closed
Name Holešov Airport
latitude_deg 49.3143997
longitude_deg 17.5688992
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ZL
municipality Holešov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKHC
Type small_airport
Name Hořice Airport
latitude_deg 50.3576
longitude_deg 15.576983
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Holovousy
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Horní Libchava

Ident CZ-0130
Type small_airport
Name Česká Lípa West Ultralightport
latitude_deg 50.703013
longitude_deg 14.498985
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-LI
municipality Horní Libchava
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Horní Počáply

Ident CZ-0091
Type small_airport
Name Horní Počáply Airstrip
latitude_deg 50.418117
longitude_deg 14.384269
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Horní Počáply
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKHV
Type small_airport
Name Hořovice Airport
latitude_deg 49.848099
longitude_deg 13.8935
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Hořovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0096
Type small_airport
Name Hory Airfield
latitude_deg 50.21695
longitude_deg 12.77669
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KA
municipality Hory
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKHS
Type small_airport
Name Hosin Airport
latitude_deg 49.040000915527344
longitude_deg 14.494999885559082
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality Hosin
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Hradec Králové

Ident LKHK
Type small_airport
Name Hradec Králové Airport
latitude_deg 50.253201
longitude_deg 15.8452
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Hradec Králové
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKHN
Type small_airport
Name Hranice Airport
latitude_deg 49.5461
longitude_deg 17.7043991
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-OL
municipality Hranice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0170
Type small_airport
Name Budkovice Airfield
latitude_deg 49.078687
longitude_deg 16.355617
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Ivančice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Ivančice u Brna

Ident CZ-0120
Type small_airport
Name Ivančice u Brna Ultralightport
latitude_deg 49.095374
longitude_deg 16.480516
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Ivančice u Brna
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKJA
Type small_airport
Name Jaroměř Airport
latitude_deg 50.33140182495117
longitude_deg 15.953900337219238
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Jaroměř
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0085
Type small_airport
Name Jehnědí Airfield
latitude_deg 49.965
longitude_deg 16.309722
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PA
municipality Jehnědí
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKJC
Type small_airport
Name Jičín Airport
latitude_deg 50.43
longitude_deg 15.3331
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Jičín
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKJI
Type small_airport
Name Jihlava Airfield
latitude_deg 49.419399
longitude_deg 15.6353
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Jihlava
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0184
Type small_airport
Name Jilemnice Airstrip
latitude_deg 50.61056
longitude_deg 15.538616
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Jilemnice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Jindřichův Hradec

Ident LKJH
Type small_airport
Name Jindřichův Hradec Airport
latitude_deg 49.150682
longitude_deg 14.972413
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality Jindřichův Hradec
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0146
Type small_airport
Name Jinošov Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.226931
longitude_deg 16.176596
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Jinošov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0235
Type heliport
Name Kadaň Hospital Heliport
latitude_deg 50.391048
longitude_deg 13.271023
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Kadaň
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0066
Type small_airport
Name Kaplice UL
latitude_deg 48.718611
longitude_deg 14.450556
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality Kaplice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Karlovy Vary

Ident LKKV
Type medium_airport
Name Karlovy Vary Airport
latitude_deg 50.202999
longitude_deg 12.915
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KA
municipality Karlovy Vary
scheduled_service yes
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0169
Type small_airport
Name Kejžlice Airfield
latitude_deg 49.591899
longitude_deg 15.401365
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Kejžlice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0121
Type small_airport
Name Kelč Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.457771
longitude_deg 17.820171
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ZL
municipality Kelč
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKKL
Type small_airport
Name Kladno Airfield
latitude_deg 50.112801
longitude_deg 14.0897
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Kladno
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKKT
Type small_airport
Name Klatovy Josef Hubáč Airfield
latitude_deg 49.418301
longitude_deg 13.3219
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PL
municipality Klatovy
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0190
Type small_airport
Name Kněževes Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.4619
longitude_deg 15.98493
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Kněževes
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Kněžice u Jičína

Ident CZ-0125
Type small_airport
Name Kněžice u Jičína Airfield
latitude_deg 50.262998
longitude_deg 15.297407
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Kněžice u Jičína
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0115
Type small_airport
Name Kněžmost Airstrip
latitude_deg 50.478623
longitude_deg 15.005508
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Kněžmost
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKKO
Type small_airport
Name Kolín Airfield
latitude_deg 50.0019
longitude_deg 15.1733
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Kolín
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Košice u Tábora

Ident CZ-0139
Type closed
Name Letiště Košice u Tábora
latitude_deg 49.318055
longitude_deg 14.749167
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality Košice u Tábora
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0182
Type small_airport
Name Kostelec Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.67076
longitude_deg 13.03224
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PL
municipality Kostelec
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0063
Type small_airport
Name Kotvrdovice Airfield
latitude_deg 49.363986
longitude_deg 16.784899
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Kotvrdovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0118
Type small_airport
Name Kozojedy Airstrip
latitude_deg 50.325005
longitude_deg 15.388904
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Kozojedy
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0064
Type small_airport
Name Kramolín UL
latitude_deg 48.915
longitude_deg 14.726389
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality Kramolín
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0065
Type small_airport
Name Jiřičky UL
latitude_deg 49.552222
longitude_deg 15.155556
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Křelovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0133
Type small_airport
Name Křinec Airstrip
latitude_deg 50.2547
longitude_deg 15.125108
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Křinec
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKKA
Type small_airport
Name Křižanov Airport
latitude_deg 49.36830139160156
longitude_deg 16.116100311279297
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Křižanov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKKR
Type small_airport
Name Krnov Airfield
latitude_deg 50.074407
longitude_deg 17.695219
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-MO
municipality Krnov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKKM
Type small_airport
Name Kroměříž Airfield
latitude_deg 49.285599
longitude_deg 17.4158
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ZL
municipality Kroměříž
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0014
Type heliport
Name Nová Amerika Heliport
latitude_deg 50.380646
longitude_deg 15.863485
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Kuks
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0086
Type small_airport
Name Kunětice Airfield
latitude_deg 50.068333
longitude_deg 15.8125
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PA
municipality Kunětice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKHR
Type small_airport
Name Hradčany Airfield
latitude_deg 50.619247
longitude_deg 14.732753
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-LI
municipality Kuřívody
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0008
Type heliport
Name Kyjov Hospital Heliport
latitude_deg 49.008403
longitude_deg 17.110684
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Kyjov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKVR
Type small_airport
Name Vrchlabí Airport
latitude_deg 50.624199
longitude_deg 15.6464
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Lánov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKPL
Type small_airport
Name Letkov Airport
latitude_deg 49.72309875488281
longitude_deg 13.452199935913086
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PL
municipality Letkov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKLT
Type small_airport
Name Letňany Airfield
latitude_deg 50.131401
longitude_deg 14.5256
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PR
municipality Letňany
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0088
Type small_airport
Name Letovice Airfield
latitude_deg 49.546667
longitude_deg 16.598611
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Letovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0087
Type small_airport
Name Charvátce Airfield
latitude_deg 50.433427
longitude_deg 13.811113
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Libčeves
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKLB
Type small_airport
Name Liberec Airport
latitude_deg 50.7682991027832
longitude_deg 15.024999618530273
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-LI
municipality Liberec
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0145
Type small_airport
Name Lipová Sport Airfield
latitude_deg 51.008731
longitude_deg 14.343853
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Lipová
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0239
Type small_airport
Name Litochovice u Strakonic Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.15434
longitude_deg 13.95672
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality Litochovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0039
Type heliport
Name Litoměřice Hospital Heliport
latitude_deg 50.541735
longitude_deg 14.146069
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Litoměřice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0135
Type small_airport
Name Litomyšl Ultralightport
latitude_deg 49.874138
longitude_deg 16.336405
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PA
municipality Litomyšl
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Lomnice nad Popelkou

Ident CZ-0089
Type small_airport
Name Lomnice nad Popelkou Airfield
latitude_deg 50.54
longitude_deg 15.388056
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-LI
municipality Lomnice nad Popelkou
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0138
Type small_airport
Name Loučeň Airstrip
latitude_deg 50.278744
longitude_deg 15.061007
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Loučeň
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0161
Type small_airport
Name Luhačovice Airfield
latitude_deg 49.088188
longitude_deg 17.718769
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ZL
municipality Luhačovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Luka nad Jihlavou

Ident CZ-0177
Type small_airport
Name Luka nad Jihlavou Ultralightport
latitude_deg 49.38244
longitude_deg 15.71368
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Luka nad Jihlavou
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0186
Type small_airport
Name Radim u Chrudimi Ultralightport
latitude_deg 49.906716
longitude_deg 16.006719
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PA
municipality Luže
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0181
Type small_airport
Name Manětín Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.982799
longitude_deg 13.227839
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PL
municipality Manětín
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0141
Type closed
Name Libkovice Airfield
latitude_deg 50.562216
longitude_deg 13.683987
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Mariánské
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Mariánské Lázně

Ident CZ-0193
Type closed
Name Mariánské Lázně Airfield
latitude_deg 49.922798
longitude_deg 12.7247
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KA
municipality Mariánské Lázně
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0111
Type small_airport
Name Příchvoj u Jičína Ultralightport
latitude_deg 50.44135
longitude_deg 15.235979
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Markvartice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKCM
Type small_airport
Name Medlánky Airfield
latitude_deg 49.236698
longitude_deg 16.555
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Medlánky
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0030
Type heliport
Name Central Bohemian Region Fire and Rescue Service Mělník District Heliport
latitude_deg 50.351858
longitude_deg 14.486858
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Mělník
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Městec Králové

Ident CZ-0232
Type heliport
Name Městec Králové City Hospital Heliport
latitude_deg 50.20529
longitude_deg 15.28764
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Městec Králové
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKMI
Type small_airport
Name Mikulovice Airfield
latitude_deg 50.301701
longitude_deg 17.297501
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-OL
municipality Mikulovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0160
Type small_airport
Name Milhostov u Chebu Ultralightport
latitude_deg 50.164121
longitude_deg 12.464089
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KA
municipality Milhostov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0076
Type small_airport
Name Milovice Air Base
latitude_deg 50.236111
longitude_deg 14.922222
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Milovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0074
Type small_airport
Name Miroslav Aircon Ultralightport
latitude_deg 48.931667
longitude_deg 16.339722
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Miroslav
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0153
Type small_airport
Name Místek
latitude_deg 49.6527778
longitude_deg 18.3458333
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-MO
municipality Místek
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Mladá Boleslav

Ident LKMB
Type small_airport
Name Mladá Boleslav Airfield
latitude_deg 50.3983
longitude_deg 14.8983
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Mladá Boleslav
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Mnichovo Hradiště

Ident LKMH
Type small_airport
Name Mnichovo Hradiště Airport
latitude_deg 50.540199
longitude_deg 15.0066
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Mnichovo Hradiště
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Moravská Třebová

Ident LKMK
Type small_airport
Name Moravská Třebová Airport
latitude_deg 49.798302
longitude_deg 16.687799
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PA
municipality Moravská Třebová
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Moravské Budějovice

Ident CZ-0183
Type small_airport
Name Moravské Budějovice Airfield
latitude_deg 49.042693
longitude_deg 15.828638
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Moravské Budějovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Moravský Beroun

Ident CZ-0156
Type small_airport
Name Moravský Beroun
latitude_deg 49.786111
longitude_deg 17.486111
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-OL
municipality Moravský Beroun
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKMT
Type medium_airport
Name Ostrava Leos Janáček Airport
latitude_deg 49.696301
longitude_deg 18.111099
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-MO
municipality Mošnov
scheduled_service yes
Airport Details...


Ident LKMO
Type small_airport
Name Most Airport
latitude_deg 50.525001525878906
longitude_deg 13.683099746704102
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Most
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKSB
Type small_airport
Name Stichovice Pluml Airport
latitude_deg 49.48609924316406
longitude_deg 17.055599212646484
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-OL
municipality Mostkovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0185
Type small_airport
Name Mříčná Airstrip
latitude_deg 50.59624
longitude_deg 15.48122
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Mříčná
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0164
Type small_airport
Name Nabočany Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.945996
longitude_deg 15.89545
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PA
municipality Nabočany
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0012
Type heliport
Name Náchod Regional Hospital Heliport
latitude_deg 50.410296
longitude_deg 16.166577
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Náchod
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0035
Type heliport
Name Neratovice Heliport
latitude_deg 50.25416564941406
longitude_deg 14.522777557373047
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Neratovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0072
Type small_airport
Name Buranos Aires Ultralightport
latitude_deg 50.008926
longitude_deg 14.037743
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Nižbor
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Nová Cerekev

Ident CZ-0058
Type small_airport
Name Částkovice Airfield
latitude_deg 49.409349
longitude_deg 15.143687
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Nová Cerekev
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Nová Včelnice

Ident CZ-0134
Type small_airport
Name Nová Včelnice Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.267222
longitude_deg 15.077778
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality Nová Včelnice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Nové Město na Moravě

Ident CZ-0041
Type heliport
Name Nové Město na Moravě Hospital Heliport
latitude_deg 49.56144
longitude_deg 16.063095
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Nové Město na Moravě
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Nové Město nad Metují

Ident LKNM
Type small_airport
Name Nové Město nad Metují Airport
latitude_deg 50.364201
longitude_deg 16.1136
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Nové Město nad Metují
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Nový Malín

Ident LKSU
Type small_airport
Name Šumperk Airport
latitude_deg 49.960602
longitude_deg 17.017799
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-OL
municipality Nový Malín
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0159
Type small_airport
Name Nučice Airfield
latitude_deg 49.951101
longitude_deg 14.869944
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Nučice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKNY
Type small_airport
Name Nymburk Airfield
latitude_deg 50.169101
longitude_deg 15.05245
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Nymburk
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKOL
Type small_airport
Name Olomouc Airport
latitude_deg 49.587712
longitude_deg 17.209275
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-OL
municipality Olomouc
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0127
Type small_airport
Name Opava - Kylešovice Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.899167
longitude_deg 17.922959
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-MO
municipality Opava
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0069
Type small_airport
Name Druzcov u Lípy Ultralightport
latitude_deg 50.728056
longitude_deg 14.924722
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-LI
municipality Osečná
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0129
Type small_airport
Name Osičiny Airstrip
latitude_deg 50.015833
longitude_deg 14.772222
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Osičiny
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0019
Type heliport
Name The Area Of Fire And Rescue Force Heliport
latitude_deg 49.8033332824707
longitude_deg 18.23055648803711
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-MO
municipality Ostrava
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0098
Type small_airport
Name Ostrov Airfield
latitude_deg 50.336285
longitude_deg 12.969146
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KA
municipality Ostrov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKOT
Type small_airport
Name Zlín Otrokovice Airfield
latitude_deg 49.198299
longitude_deg 17.517799
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ZL
municipality Otrokovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKCH
Type small_airport
Name Chomutov Airfield
latitude_deg 50.468899
longitude_deg 13.4681
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Otvice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Panensky Tynec

Ident LKPC
Type small_airport
Name Panensky Tynec Airport
latitude_deg 50.30609893798828
longitude_deg 13.934200286865234
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Panensky Tynec
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKPD
Type medium_airport
Name Pardubice Airport
latitude_deg 50.01340103149414
longitude_deg 15.73859977722168
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PA
municipality Pardubice
scheduled_service yes
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0040
Type heliport
Name Pelhřimov Hospital Heliport
latitude_deg 49.435333
longitude_deg 15.231251
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Pelhřimov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0194
Type small_airport
Name Písek UL Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.339444
longitude_deg 14.113889
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality Písek
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKKC
Type small_airport
Name Kříženec Planá Airport
latitude_deg 49.870602
longitude_deg 12.7725
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PL
municipality Planá
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKPS
Type small_airport
Name Plasy Rybnice Airport
latitude_deg 49.9203
longitude_deg 13.3769
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PL
municipality Plasy
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0104
Type small_airport
Name Plešnice Airfield
latitude_deg 49.772222
longitude_deg 13.162222
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PL
municipality Plešnice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKLN
Type medium_airport
Name Plzeň-Líně Airport
latitude_deg 49.675201416016
longitude_deg 13.274600028992
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PL
municipality Plzen
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0197
Type small_airport
Name Podbořany Airstrip
latitude_deg 50.25067
longitude_deg 13.40972
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Podbořany
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0126
Type small_airport
Name Poděbrady Airfield
latitude_deg 50.184305
longitude_deg 15.166551
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Poděbrady
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Podhořany u Ronova

Ident LKPN
Type small_airport
Name Podhořany Airport
latitude_deg 49.939201
longitude_deg 15.5497
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PA
municipality Podhořany u Ronova
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKPA
Type small_airport
Name Polička Airport
latitude_deg 49.739399
longitude_deg 16.2589
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PA
municipality Polička
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0018
Type heliport
Name Teaching Hospital Heliport
latitude_deg 49.82722091674805
longitude_deg 18.156944274902344
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-MO
municipality Poruba
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0047
Type heliport
Name Prachatice Hospital Helipad
latitude_deg 49.00705
longitude_deg 14.00958
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality Prachatice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKKB
Type medium_airport
Name Kbely Air Base
latitude_deg 50.121399
longitude_deg 14.5436
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PR
municipality Prague
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0083
Type small_airport
Name Škudly Airstrip
latitude_deg 50.021944
longitude_deg 15.520556
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Přelouč
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKPO
Type medium_airport
Name Přerov Air Base
latitude_deg 49.42580032348633
longitude_deg 17.404699325561523
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-OL
municipality Přerov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0179
Type small_airport
Name Přešťovice u Strakonic Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.28438
longitude_deg 13.968444
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality Přešťovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKPI
Type small_airport
Name Pribyslav Airport
latitude_deg 49.5807991027832
longitude_deg 15.762800216674805
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Pribyslav
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKPJ
Type small_airport
Name Prostějov Airport
latitude_deg 49.4478
longitude_deg 17.1339
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-OL
municipality Prostějov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0137
Type small_airport
Name Radovesice Airfield
latitude_deg 50.409051
longitude_deg 14.084008
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Radovesice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKRK
Type small_airport
Name Rakovnik Airfield
latitude_deg 50.0942
longitude_deg 13.6889
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Rakovnik
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKRA
Type small_airport
Name Rana Loumy Airport
latitude_deg 50.403900146484375
longitude_deg 13.751899719238281
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Raná
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0221
Type heliport
Name Pístov Heliport
latitude_deg 49.37074
longitude_deg 15.58038
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Rančířov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0189
Type small_airport
Name Slezská Harta Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.908788
longitude_deg 17.535768
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-MO
municipality Razová
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Říčany u Prahy

Ident CZ-0079
Type small_airport
Name Říčany Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.974444
longitude_deg 14.649167
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Říčany u Prahy
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0105
Type small_airport
Name Rohozec Airfield
latitude_deg 49.981944
longitude_deg 15.392778
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Rohozec
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKRY
Type small_airport
Name Rokycany Airport
latitude_deg 49.751944
longitude_deg 13.589722
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PL
municipality Rokycany
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Roudnice nad Labem

Ident LKRO
Type small_airport
Name Roudnice nad Labem Airport
latitude_deg 50.410186
longitude_deg 14.22708
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Roudnice nad Labem
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Rovná u Sokolova

Ident CZ-0171
Type small_airport
Name Rovná u Sokolova Airstrip
latitude_deg 50.101134
longitude_deg 12.678759
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KA
municipality Rovná u Sokolova
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0080
Type small_airport
Name Sázava Airfield
latitude_deg 49.887833
longitude_deg 14.940548
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Sázava
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKSZ
Type small_airport
Name Letiště Sazená
latitude_deg 50.324699
longitude_deg 14.2589
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Sazená
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0106
Type small_airport
Name Sazomín Ultralight Field
latitude_deg 49.5086111
longitude_deg 15.9711111
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Sazomín
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKNA
Type medium_airport
Name Náměšť Air Base
latitude_deg 49.166272
longitude_deg 16.123981
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Sedlec
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0158
Type small_airport
Name Sedliště Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.7220654
longitude_deg 18.3749167
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-MO
municipality Sedliště
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKSK
Type small_airport
Name Skuteč Airfield
latitude_deg 49.827801
longitude_deg 16.0058
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PA
municipality Skuteč
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKSN
Type small_airport
Name Slaný Airport
latitude_deg 50.216701507568
longitude_deg 14.088600158691
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Slaný
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0075
Type small_airport
Name Slušovice Airfield
latitude_deg 49.259034
longitude_deg 17.813344
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ZL
municipality Slušovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0231
Type closed
Name Hubíles Airstrip
latitude_deg 50.28667
longitude_deg 15.8926
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Smržov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKSO
Type small_airport
Name Soběslav
latitude_deg 49.246700286865
longitude_deg 14.713600158691
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality Soběslav
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0054
Type small_airport
Name Ramŝ Airfield
latitude_deg 50.641667
longitude_deg 14.541389
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-LI
municipality Sosnová
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKSA
Type small_airport
Name Staňkov Airport
latitude_deg 49.566667
longitude_deg 13.048611
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PL
municipality Staňkov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Stará Paka

Ident CZ-0143
Type small_airport
Name Stará Paka Airfield
latitude_deg 50.501389
longitude_deg 15.483056
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Stará Paka
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Stará Voda

Ident CZ-0070
Type small_airport
Name Stará Voda Emergency Field
latitude_deg 49.996795
longitude_deg 12.575119
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KA
municipality Stará Voda
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0123
Type small_airport
Name Štětí Airstrip
latitude_deg 50.465
longitude_deg 14.4061111
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Štětí
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0136
Type small_airport
Name Strachotice u Znojma Ultralightport
latitude_deg 48.806694
longitude_deg 16.161479
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Strachotice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Strachotín-Hustopeče u Brna

Ident CZ-0174
Type small_airport
Name Strachotín u Mikulova Airstrip
latitude_deg 48.91722
longitude_deg 16.65883
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Strachotín-Hustopeče u Brna
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKST
Type small_airport
Name Strakonice Airport
latitude_deg 49.25170135498047
longitude_deg 13.892800331115723
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality Strakonice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Stránecká Zhoř

Ident CZ-0227
Type small_airport
Name Stránecká Zhoř cropduster strip
latitude_deg 49.38575
longitude_deg 15.93104
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Stránecká Zhoř
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0103
Type closed
Name Střemy Airstrip
latitude_deg 50.385
longitude_deg 14.577222
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Střemy
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0216
Type small_airport
Name Dlouhé Dvory Airfield
latitude_deg 50.26494
longitude_deg 15.73942
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Střezetice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKSR
Type small_airport
Name Strunkovice Airport
latitude_deg 49.08250045776367
longitude_deg 14.075799942016602
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality Strunkovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0060
Type small_airport
Name Studenec Ultralightport
latitude_deg 50.549584
longitude_deg 15.535908
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Studenec
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0020
Type heliport
Name Šumperk Heliport
latitude_deg 49.95777893066406
longitude_deg 16.963056564331055
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-OL
municipality Šumperk
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0157
Type small_airport
Name Šumvald Ultralight Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.845196
longitude_deg 17.138485
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-OL
municipality Šumvald
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKKY
Type small_airport
Name Kyjov Airfield
latitude_deg 48.98
longitude_deg 17.124701
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Svatobořice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Světlá nad Sázavou

Ident CZ-0218
Type closed
Name Světlá nad Sázavou Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.68058
longitude_deg 15.39649
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Světlá nad Sázavou
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0023
Type heliport
Name Pardubice Regional Fire and Rescue Service Svitavy Heliport
latitude_deg 49.763788
longitude_deg 16.462558
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PA
municipality Svitavy
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0212
Type small_airport
Name Syrovice Airport
latitude_deg 49.08774
longitude_deg 16.54078
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Syrovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKTA
Type small_airport
Name Tábor Airport
latitude_deg 49.3911018372
longitude_deg 14.7082996368
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality Tábor
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKTD
Type small_airport
Name Tachov Airfield
latitude_deg 49.797223
longitude_deg 12.707169
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PL
municipality Tachov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0195
Type heliport
Name Tisá
latitude_deg 50.786995
longitude_deg 14.026666
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Tisá
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKTO
Type small_airport
Name Toužim Airfield
latitude_deg 50.086399
longitude_deg 12.9528
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KA
municipality Toužim
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0081
Type small_airport
Name Třebíč Airport
latitude_deg 49.198333
longitude_deg 15.903056
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Třebíč
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0176
Type small_airport
Name Třebihošť Airport
latitude_deg 50.43546
longitude_deg 15.69312
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Třebihošť
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0097
Type small_airport
Name Dvorce
latitude_deg 48.99913
longitude_deg 14.72214
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality Třeboň
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0011
Type heliport
Name Horní Staré Město Heliport
latitude_deg 50.586109
longitude_deg 15.878611
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Trutnov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Uherské Hradiště

Ident LKKU
Type medium_airport
Name Kunovice Airport
latitude_deg 49.02939987182617
longitude_deg 17.439699172973633
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ZL
municipality Uherské Hradiště
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0168
Type small_airport
Name Šeborov South Airstrip
latitude_deg 49.355643
longitude_deg 15.928996
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Uhřínov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0101
Type small_airport
Name Dětřichov Oáza Airport
latitude_deg 49.729167
longitude_deg 17.118056
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-OL
municipality Uničov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Usti Nad Labem

Ident LKUL
Type small_airport
Name Usti Nad Labem Airfield
latitude_deg 50.699699
longitude_deg 13.9697
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Usti Nad Labem
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Ústí nad Orlicí

Ident LKUO
Type small_airport
Name Ústí Nad Orlicí Airport
latitude_deg 49.9786
longitude_deg 16.426399
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PA
municipality Ústí nad Orlicí
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Valašské Meziříčí

Ident CZ-0119
Type small_airport
Name Poličná-Juřinka Airport
latitude_deg 49.475933
longitude_deg 17.92634
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ZL
municipality Valašské Meziříčí
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0144
Type closed
Name Velešín Airport
latitude_deg 48.826348
longitude_deg 14.449275
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JC
municipality Velešín
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Velké Pavlovice

Ident CZ-0128
Type small_airport
Name Velké Pavlovice Airport
latitude_deg 48.880556
longitude_deg 16.825
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Velké Pavlovice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Velke Porici

Ident LKVP
Type small_airport
Name Velké Poříčí Airport
latitude_deg 50.4678
longitude_deg 16.205601
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Velke Porici
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Veselí u Přelouče

Ident CZ-0148
Type small_airport
Name Veselí u Přelouče Airfield
latitude_deg 50.00682
longitude_deg 15.616915
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PA
municipality Veselí u Přelouče
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0191
Type closed
Name Kámen Air Base
latitude_deg 49.417778
longitude_deg 14.993889
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Věžná
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKVL
Type small_airport
Name Vlašim Airfield
latitude_deg 49.728901
longitude_deg 14.8789
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Vlašim
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKVO
Type medium_airport
Name Vodochody Airport
latitude_deg 50.216599
longitude_deg 14.3958
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Vodochody
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0213
Type small_airport
Name Vraclav u Vysokého Mýta Ultralightport
latitude_deg 49.953134
longitude_deg 16.107759
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PA
municipality Vraclav
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0071
Type small_airport
Name Vrátkov Airfield
latitude_deg 50.039543
longitude_deg 14.822745
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Vrátkov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0234
Type heliport
Name Vrchlabí Hospital Heliport
latitude_deg 50.6221
longitude_deg 15.60682
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Vrchlabí
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0124
Type small_airport
Name Všeň Airport
latitude_deg 50.555107
longitude_deg 15.094614
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-LI
municipality Všeň
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0188
Type small_airport
Name Vyskeř UL
latitude_deg 50.53714
longitude_deg 15.15714
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-LI
municipality Vyskeř
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKVY
Type small_airport
Name Letiště Vyškov
latitude_deg 49.300301
longitude_deg 17.025299
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Vyskov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Vysoké Mýto

Ident LKVM
Type small_airport
Name Vysoké Mýto Airfield
latitude_deg 49.928102
longitude_deg 16.185029
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PA
municipality Vysoké Mýto
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0155
Type small_airport
Name Náchod Vysokov Airfield
latitude_deg 50.413167
longitude_deg 16.12175
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-KR
municipality Vysokov
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0061
Type small_airport
Name Teplice Airport
latitude_deg 50.620826
longitude_deg 13.809772
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Zabrušany
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKZM
Type small_airport
Name Žamberk Airport
latitude_deg 50.0839
longitude_deg 16.443899
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PA
municipality Žamberk
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKZD
Type small_airport
Name Žatec-Macerka Airfield
latitude_deg 50.317501
longitude_deg 13.5128
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-US
municipality Žatec
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0142
Type small_airport
Name Zbilidy Ultrallightport
latitude_deg 49.448033
longitude_deg 15.440085
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-VY
municipality Zbilidy
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKZB
Type small_airport
Name Zbraslavice Airport
latitude_deg 49.814201
longitude_deg 15.2017
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ST
municipality Zbraslavice
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...

Zbudov u Žamberka

Ident CZ-0117
Type small_airport
Name Zbudov Airstrip
latitude_deg 50.111532
longitude_deg 16.517451
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-PA
municipality Zbudov u Žamberka
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident CZ-0044
Type heliport
Name Bat’A Hospital Heliport
latitude_deg 49.226172
longitude_deg 17.705144
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-ZL
municipality Zlín
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...


Ident LKZN
Type small_airport
Name Znojmo Airfield
latitude_deg 48.817744
longitude_deg 16.065831
continent EU
iso_country CZ
iso_region CZ-JM
municipality Znojmo
scheduled_service no
Airport Details...